Speed Dragon B10 with perna

Perna heals your entire team by 10% excluding hers, 44% Dungeon attack and also great damage to boot. She will definitely speed up your runs really quick. Her heals can be a safety net at the last stage for your team to survive one more turn. At the end, she can revive and provide that last bit of damage you may need to take down the boss when your team wipes.

Team (By turn order)
1) Galleon – Fastest mover for buff and AOE defense break. A staple in speed db10 that needs no introduction
2) Kahli – 2nd Fastest mover. You may think that her buff overlaps with galleon and why waste? On most occasions, she will be a back up attack buffer when galleon doesn’t have his time to loot. And usually at the miniboss, galleon may simply go for S1 or S2 and then kahli would definitely have her buff up if you count the turns taken for her to cooldown from stage 1. Her ignore defense does really high damage on the last stage when immunity is up.
3) Hwa/Stella/Theomars – Strong single target nukes that provide utility such as attack bar decrease, brand, defense break and they scale on attack speed too. They would provide either extra damage or an attack bar reduction to the mini boss to prevent him from using fiery breath.
4) Perna – Interchangeable with slot 3. She can also be replaced with other attackers such as stella, theomars, tarq, yaku, and even ellena, the water high elemental.
5) Verdehile – The last to move so as to give your entire team the attack bar boost. For me, he’s runed crit damage with enough damage to one shot the crystals with attack buff and defense break on S1.

All in all, the entire team should have slightly more than 180 spd in total for greater success rates. As for the turns taken, it would require experimentation due to the difference in runes to allow galleon to use his time to loot nicely.

If you need any assistance in building your own db10 speed team, feel free to post your monsters’ list on the comments section.

One thought on “Speed Dragon B10 with perna

  1. Will this db10 team most likely work? Perna, hwa, Bella, vero, Megan, I don’t have monsters such as a galleon or Verde but I do have theomars and Emma, any monsters I can replace from team? I also thought about building my daphnis to replace hwa or something like that, he is currently despair energy, spd, cdmg, atk. Please help me find the right combination. Ty!


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