Speed NB10 safely

It’s important to note that necro requires speed tuning so that your slow debuffs go on the last turn. And if actually possible, the strongest and most paper nuker to go at the last turn instead.

Teshar – the most valuable with 33% dungeon crit to allow slightly above 60% crit for the other attackers. Also, with a strong single target nuke with 2 turns cooldown along with tempest that does not go on cooldown while clearing waves. She’s by far the best AOE to go for NB10. Other Substitutes include Lushen (Best to be on vampire unless you have about 18k hp excluding towers or leader skill), Julie (Vampire).
She’s my fastest attacking unit to just clear the crystals and leave the attacking of the golems by the liches and fire harpy to clear up with their multihits focusing on 2 or 3 units.

Lucasha – My next mover that can clear the 2 remaining golems on the first stage with her 3rd skill. She’s also there for the defense break before the liches move. Her skill 3 is a 6 hit that depletes the boss’ shield counter in essentially just her turn. Take note of her low tankiness and thus MUST be built on hp cd atk.

Fuco – 3rd attacker to move. Slow debuff and the defense break is so valuable for the run. He is definitely more tanky than Rigel and thus I have him move first so that Rigel has the largest chance of being stolen if not teshar (when slow debuff lands and teshar gets to lightning nova the boss)

Rigel – Last to move as above reasons.

Colleen – Multihit, attack drop, heal block (though not as important in speed clear) and heal with attack buff! I rune her shield revenge just to give my units a little more survivability from reflection damage and the miniboss that can wreck havoc if the 2nd skill’s hits lands all on one monster. Attack drop reduces that damage and any of my monster can survive with at least 30% hp even if all hits with defense break lands on one. I don’t recommend any substitutes to her. For faster but less safe runs, Hwahee or Wolyung would be the ones to replace her.

As a rule of thumb, accuracy is best above 45% but as these are my subpar runes and achievable by many of you out there, I’ve settled with whatever I could harness.

Other teams that you can run are:
1) Rigel/Fuco (can replace slot 4 or 5 if you’re using another)
2) Colleen/Hwahee
3) Adrian/Chilling (Adrian preferred)
4) Lucasha/Raoq
5) Any AOE

Speed Dragon B10 with perna

Perna heals your entire team by 10% excluding hers, 44% Dungeon attack and also great damage to boot. She will definitely speed up your runs really quick. Her heals can be a safety net at the last stage for your team to survive one more turn. At the end, she can revive and provide that last bit of damage you may need to take down the boss when your team wipes.

Team (By turn order)
1) Galleon – Fastest mover for buff and AOE defense break. A staple in speed db10 that needs no introduction
2) Kahli – 2nd Fastest mover. You may think that her buff overlaps with galleon and why waste? On most occasions, she will be a back up attack buffer when galleon doesn’t have his time to loot. And usually at the miniboss, galleon may simply go for S1 or S2 and then kahli would definitely have her buff up if you count the turns taken for her to cooldown from stage 1. Her ignore defense does really high damage on the last stage when immunity is up.
3) Hwa/Stella/Theomars – Strong single target nukes that provide utility such as attack bar decrease, brand, defense break and they scale on attack speed too. They would provide either extra damage or an attack bar reduction to the mini boss to prevent him from using fiery breath.
4) Perna – Interchangeable with slot 3. She can also be replaced with other attackers such as stella, theomars, tarq, yaku, and even ellena, the water high elemental.
5) Verdehile – The last to move so as to give your entire team the attack bar boost. For me, he’s runed crit damage with enough damage to one shot the crystals with attack buff and defense break on S1.

All in all, the entire team should have slightly more than 180 spd in total for greater success rates. As for the turns taken, it would require experimentation due to the difference in runes to allow galleon to use his time to loot nicely.

If you need any assistance in building your own db10 speed team, feel free to post your monsters’ list on the comments section.

Speed GB10 safely

  1. Galleon – The fastest mover in your team, self explanatory.
  2. Lushen x2 – The fastest AOE attackers in your team to clear waves fast. They must be able to 1 hit with amputation magic without attack buff for at least wave 1,2,4.
  3. Teshar/Lagmaron/Taor/AOE – Just to clear up when the lushens derp. Preferably faster than your bruiser (unfortunately mine isn’t)
  4. Laika/Xingzhe/Bruiser – There are rare times where the giant wipes your paper monsters off, your bruiser will be able to still take down the boss albeit giving you a much slower end time.The build for galleon need not be violent but attack is really important for him to be able to contribute to decreasing the boss’ HP.




    As you can see, lushens may not use their amputation magic when they are supposed to, resulting in galleon not using time to loot at the final stage. Mishaps can happen but these bruisers will be there just in case things go awry.